Your color treasure, you come to care

Color jewelry, wearing notes

1, when doing strenuous exercise and heavy work, do not wear colored jewelry.

2, jewelry should not be indiscriminately placed in a drawer or jewelry box. Due to the different hardness of the various colored gems and jewelry, they will friction loss. Similar stones because the directionality of different hardness and wear.

3, some stones are natural cracks and inclusion, or brittle, such as Emerald, worn, you need to be careful to avoid a collision.

4, some stones are afraid to lose water because of the intense heat or wind, such as turquoise, Opal, so to avoid saving when the direct rays of the Sun, to avoid wear using a hair dryer.

5, not in the kitchen or where there is steam wear porous stones. Turquoise, coral and other discoloration when they absorb the steam and sweat. Sweat, perfume and more gems would constitute damage to the air holes, remember to clean after wearing and storage to save.


Er, how to clean color jewelry

1, jewelry cleaner is safe for most of the gem, but also made the metal more bright. But turquoise, Opal, pearls to avoid using jewelry cleaner.

2, mild soap and a soft brush to clean jewelry is very useful. Toothpaste containing silica abrasives, be avoided. Clean stones, Fortress basin drain, or with big bowls of precious stones, avoid jewelry from hands off when the slipping into the sewer.

3, Emerald, tourmaline and many inclusions, cracked or brittle, low hardness of gems, must not use ultrasonic cleaning to avoid stones damaged or broken.

4, strong acid and strong base is also not suitable cleaning material, although the nature of most gemstones are stable (but there are still a number of stones not exposed to chemical substances), strong acid strong base will affect the luster of the metal part. 

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